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Hospitals get ratings for quality and safety so that you can choose which hospital will provide you with the best care possible when you need medical help. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) produces a list of Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings, and recently released a new list with their 1-star quality ratings. (more…)
5 Signs That a Birth Injury May Have Occurred
Giving birth is already a stressful, painful experience. You hope that all the pain is worth it so that you can leave the hospital with your happy and healthy newborn. However, that’s not always the case. If something goes wrong unexpectedly or the doctor in charge of your delivery makes a mistake, then your child could suffer from birth injuries. (more…)
Do You Have to Own the Defective Product to File a Product Liability Claim?
When you own a product and it malfunctions and you are harmed, it’s pretty straightforward that you have a claim against that manufacturer or marketing company for the damages you suffered. But what if you were borrowing a product from someone you know and were injured by its defects? Do you still have grounds for a product liability claim? (more…)
What Qualifications Should Your Truck Accident Lawyer Have?
After being hurt by the negligence of a truck driver, trucking company, or a part manufacturer, you likely will want to seek legal help to get justice for your injuries and other damages. But you might not even know what to look for in searching for your legal representation. You want someone on your side who you can trust, which is why you should look for these qualifications in your truck accident lawyer. (more…)
How Walkable Is Philadelphia?
Sometimes driving in a city like Philadelphia can be intimidating. That’s why people choose public transportation every day—they would rather take a bus, the train, or even walk through the city for convenience. Even though the city is in a grid system, and there’s plenty of walkways and sidewalks to get you from place to place, it doesn’t mean that the city is very walkable. (more…)
What Happens When a Child Sustains a Brain Injury?
As a parent, you want to protect your child from everything in the world, especially harm. Unfortunately, accidents can’t always be avoided, and your children can get hurt. When they sustain minor injuries, healing can be easy, and they can return to normal rather quickly. However, if they suffer from a brain injury, their entire lives could change in an instant. (more…)
Pedestrian Laws in Pennsylvania
Sidewalks and crosswalks are in place to keep pedestrians safe across the country. To keep them even safer, there are laws that walkers and drivers have to follow. In our state, these laws are in Title 75 of the Statutes of Pennsylvania. Let’s take a look at the pedestrian laws in PA so that walkers and motorists alike know what rights pedestrians have on our roads. (more…)
Is It Possible You May Have Had Unnecessary Surgery?
When your doctor tells you that surgery is a main option for you, usually you trust your surgeons to be telling you the truth, but sometimes your surgery could be unnecessary. Whether they said you need the surgery, but you really didn’t, or they perform surgery on the wrong body part, the procedure that you went through could have been unnecessary and could be considered medical malpractice. (more…)
What Evidence Will Your Truck Accident Lawyer Use To Support Your Claim?
Trucks are essential to transport goods across our country, and their drivers are typically well-trained and certified to drive the large, heavy vehicles that take over highways. When truck drivers aren’t vigilant, sober, well-rested, or properly trained, they can cause serious accidents with other drivers on the road. If they collide with a regular sized vehicle, that’s when the injuries can be catastrophic and even deadly. (more…)
Have You Suffered from Post-Concussion Syndrome?
When your concussion symptoms last longer than the expected recovery time, it’s possible you have post-concussion syndrome (PCS). These are also known as persistent post-concussive symptoms. While concussions can be mild and heal relatively quickly, sometimes their symptoms last past when your doctor said you should be recovered by. Since this injury deals with your brain, it’s important to talk to your doctor immediately to see if you have PCS. (more…)