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Our Blog

Boating Accidents, Victims’ Rights & Liability

The summer is a popular time for water activities. This doesn’t just include cooling off at swimming pools. It also includes a range of recreational boating activities, especially along the rivers and lakes throughout Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas. Whether it’s fishing, water sports, power boating, or a simple way to enjoy the water, however, recreational boating poses numerous risks to all involved. What’s more, those risks can be substantially elevated when negligence is involved. At Shrager, Sachs, & Blanco, our Philadelphia personal injury lawyers represent injured victims and[...]

Nursing Home Injuries Caused by Inadequate Staffing

Families face a difficult task when deciding whether or not to place their elderly loved ones in a nursing home or assisted living facility, not to mention a challenge in finding the right one. To aid them in this journey, many families will utilize various resources that provide insight into the level of care and support facilities will provide their family member. This may include visits and consultations at the nursing homes themselves, and the use of online tools like Medicare’s five-star nursing home rating system. Unfortunately, as[...]

Swimming Pool Accidents & Liability

Summer is now here, and with it warmer weather. During this time of year, enjoying your free time and the outdoors often means cooling off in the pool. While swimming pools are a great form of recreational fun and a great way to exercise, they aren’t free from safety risks and the potential for preventable accidents and injuries – especially when negligence is involved. Unfortunately, as statistics show, swimming pool accidents are a common cause of accidental injury and death nationwide. This is especially true during the summer[...]

Proposed CMS Rule Could Put a Stop on Public Reporting of Hospital Infections

Over the years, we have discussed many health care related issues on our blog, including those involving medical malpractice. We have also written many posts discussing proposed rules and legislative changes in the healthcare industry that harm patients, their rights, and their safety. Recently, a new proposed rule change that would put an end to public reporting of certain infections acquired in hospitals has been making headlines, and is being criticized for its potential impact on public safety. The newly proposed rule change is part of the Centers for[...]

Pennsylvania Legislature Votes Against Bill Capping Punitive Damages in Nursing Home Abuse Cases

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives recently voted against a bill that would have put a cap on the punitive damages that could be awarded to victims in verdicts against nursing homes in the state. This bill sought to apply the Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error (MCARE) Act to assisted living facilities and nursing homes, which would have capped these damages to 250 percent of the compensatory damages awarded. “This bill demonstrates that the Pennsylvania legislature, which remains majority-controlled by Republicans, works very hard to balance the[...]

Philadelphia Nursing Home Profited as Care Declined, Report Shows

A recent article from the Philadelphia Inquirer is shining a spotlight on a local nursing home owner that profited despite declining care at its facilities. According to the article, nursing homes once owned by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia went from barely breaking even to becoming some of the most profitable nursing homes in the region after being bought by Charles-Edouard Gros. One of the nursing homes included the St. Francis Center for Rehabilitation & Healthcare. As reported by the Inquirer, Gros-owned nursing homes comprised four of the area’s five[...]

Medical Malpractice: C-Sections, Surgical Risks & Patient Consent

Doctors have a legal duty to treat patients in accordance to established medical guidelines and standards, as doing so is critical to avoiding preventable injuries. While evaluating whether a medical professional took appropriate steps to treat a patient as a reasonably skillful doctor would under the same or similar circumstances is an important part of determining whether negligence played a role in causing birth injuries, it is also important to evaluate whether or not doctors adequately discussed information about procedures and associated risks – including risks related to cesarean[...]

Texting Drivers Remain a Problem in Pennsylvania, But Few Receive Tickets

Distracted driving has become one of America’s leading causes of preventable car accidents, injuries, and deaths. While this can include any form of risky multi-tasking – from personal grooming and eating or drinking to conversing with passengers or reading maps – it most notably includes text messaging and the use of handheld smart phones. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has cited distracted driving as a national epidemic that killed nearly 4,000 victims in 2016 alone, and which is a leading factor behind recent surges in fatal[...]

How Avoiding Apologies After an Auto Accident Can Protect Your Right to Compensation

Apologies can be a polite way to express concern when you make a mistake or when something accidental happens. While it may be a natural reaction for many people after knocking something over or bumping into another person, even if it wasn’t necessarily their fault, apologizing should be something you avoid after a car accident, as it can create complications in any personal injury case you choose to pursue. At Shrager, Sachs, & Blanco, our Philadelphia personal injury lawyers have extensive experience advocating on behalf of victims injured[...]

Birth Injuries Caused by Medical Devices

Birth injuries can result from a range of negligent actions and conduct during pregnancy, labor, and delivery – including the improper use of forceps and vacuum extractors. While both of these medical devices can assist physicians during difficult deliveries, they must be used in accordance to strict standards. When medical professionals fail to use forceps or vacuum extractors properly, they can be held liable for preventable birth injuries, including those resulting in long-term and life-altering effects on children and their families. At Shrager, Sachs, & Blanco, our Philadelphia[...]

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