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Despite our years of technological advancement and study of the human anatomy, childbirth is still considered extremely dangerous in the United States. According to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 600 American women lose their lives due to complications that arise either during pregnancy or the actual process of delivery. By other estimates, nearly 60,000+ other women will experience severe health complications during childbirth that require hospitalization or other treatment methods to correct. In comparison to other countries in the developed[...]
Robert Sachs Selected as NADC Nation’s Top One Percent in 2017
The National Association of Distinguished Counsel (NADC) is one of the leading organizations in the country that recognizes and rewards legal professionals that continually and consistently exemplify what it means to be at the top of their class. This group uses high scrutiny and in-depth research to only pick out who it believes to be the best of the best. By the time it is finished choosing its annual members, less than 1% of all actively practicing lawyers in the country will receive an invitation to the Nation’s[...]
The Importance of Informed Patient Consent
Informed consent is a crucial aspect of medical treatment. As a patient, you have the right to a conversation with your doctor regarding any treatments or medications you are beginning. You doctor should talk to you about the procedure, side effects, what you can expect afterwards, how to take medications, or any other information related to your treatment. They should also answer any questions you may have. Informed consent is important, but why? Informed consent is one step of many that ensure the safety of patients. Opening a[...]
Current Administration to Lift Ban on Nursing Home Arbitration Clauses
There are more than 2 million cases of elder abuse every year, and those are only the cases that are reported. One out of every 10 people will experience some form of elder abuse. Because families often don’t have the time or resources to devote to the full-time care that seniors sometimes need, they depend on skilled nursing facilities to provide help where they can’t. When skilled nursing facilities care for elderly people, they and their friends and relatives are placing their trust in these businesses. When that[...]
Medical Culture May Encourage Doctors to Not Admit Their Mistakes
Although medical science has allowed us to live longer and healthier lives, it is not without risks. Nearly all types of medical procedures and treatments pose risks to patients. While some risks are unavoidable, many can be effectively managed in order to ensure positive outcomes. Unfortunately, when medical professionals commit errors, deviate from the recognized standard of care, or otherwise fail in their duty of taking reasonable measures to reduce risks, patients can suffer preventable harm. Medical mistakes on the part of physicians, nurses, and other health care[...]
HR Bill 1215 Jeopardizes Justice in Nursing Home Abuse Cases
Juries typically recognize that nursing home abuse causes severe consequences and permanent emotional scarring, and occurs due to preventable mistakes or intentional harm. As a result, some cases close with a seven-figure award amount that the harmed elder and their family absolutely deserves. A recently proposed bill could counteract progress, though, by seriously limiting how much a plaintiff can collect in noneconomic damages for successful nursing home abuse claims. HR Bill 1215, which is being advertised as the “Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017,” would limit noneconomic damages in[...]
Filing a Lawsuit for Misdiagnosis: The Basics
Medical professionals have a legal duty to treat patients in accordance to a recognized “standard of care.” When they deviate from this standard, such as when they fail to properly diagnose a condition that should have reasonably been identified, they can be held accountable for their negligence and liable for harm and damages patients suffer as a result. At Shrager, Sachs, & Blanco, our Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers have recovered millions of dollars in compensation on behalf of patients who were injured at the hands of a physicians,[...]
Brain Injuries: What You Need To Know About Concussions
March is National Brain Injury Awareness Month, and our legal team at Shrager, Spivey & Sachs wanted to provide some helpful information that can aid victims and families following unexpected brain injuries. Having served Philadelphia and the state of Pennsylvania since 1978, our personal injury attorneys have worked with many victims who suffered brain injuries in all types of accidents, including car accidents. We know that having the right information is critical to getting the right help and to knowing what to expect. Traumatic brain injuries are unique[...]
What Should I Ask My Doctor After an Accident?
If you or a loved one has recently been involved in an accident, such as a truck accident or car accident, it is important that you seek a medical evaluation as soon as you can. Whether you were treated at an emergency room or not, it is always recommended that you get a full evaluation from a medical professional, or a follow up evaluation. Visiting a doctor is important to your health, as there can be a lot of things you don’t notice in the chaos and frenzy immediately following an[...]
Settlement vs. Lawsuit: Which One is Right for Your Case?
If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident that could and should have been preventable if not for the negligence of another, you have the right to pursue a recovery of your damages by filing a personal injury claim. Personal injury cases enable you to hold the party who caused your accident and injuries liable for any damages that resulted from the incident, which commonly includes medical bills, lost work wages, and pain and suffering, among others. While all personal injury claims are hinged[...]